Friday, September 30, 2011

Big lead for Ivanchuk after 4 rounds

Standings after 4 rounds

1 Vasily Ivanchuk 10
2 Levon Aronian 5
- Viswanathan Anand 5
4 Hikaru Nakamura 4
5 Francisco Vallejo 3
- Magnus Carlsen 3

Bilbao Rule: Win 3 points, Draw 1 point, Loss 0 points.

Official website:

Monday, August 29, 2011

Grand Slam Masters Final 2011 in Sao Paulo

Grand Slam Masters Final 2011 in Sao Paulo
Aug 29, 2011

Sao Paulo, Brazil is set to co-host the first half of the Grand Slam Masters Final, with Magnus Carlsen, Viswanathan Anand, Levon Aronian, Vassily Ivanchuk, Hikaru Nakamura and Francisco Vallejo Pons playing.

More than two hundred thousand weekly visitors of the Ibirapuera Park in São Paulo will stumble upon an unusual scene between September 25th and October 1st. Inside a giant and transparent box in the middle of the park, the top chess players will fight for the trophy of the 4th Grand Slam Final Masters. “The eyes of the chess world will be focused on Brazil during that week,” said GM Gilberto Milos, one of the organizers, in an exclusive interview with Radio Xadrez.

Several other activities are planned to be performed in parallel with this great event to entertain the public and promote chess among non-practitioners, who will be amazed at the change of routine in the park.

The chess programme will run from 10 am in the morning until 9 pm and a last press conference of the day. More details on this brilliant project were revealed as GM Gilberto Milos spoke to Radio Xadrez.

Interview with GM Gilberto Milos

Rádio Xadrez – How were the negotiations to bring the Grand Slam to Brazil?

Gilberto Milos – The contact started when I was playing the Ibero-American Championships in Mexico in November last year [Milos was crowned champion of this tournament]. After that, the talks advanced to the next stage, we discussed a lot and started looking for sponsorship. Finally, we found strong support from the City Hall of Sao Paulo and the tournament came to Brazil.

Rádio Xadrez – What is the importance of the event for Brazil?

GM – We want to make a “Chess Week” in Sao Paulo. Those who can take a vacation at this time should do it and come here. You could walk through the park in the morning and then watch the games in the afternoon. In fact, the chess world will be here that week. We hope many people will come, even outside of Brazil. We want people who love chess to also visit our country.

Rádio Xadrez – What are the official dates of the competition and where they play?

GM – From 25 September to 1 October in São Paulo and then the second half in Bilbao (Spain). The event will be held here at the Ibirapuera Park and the players will play in a glass box, the same fashion used in Bilbao. The tournament will be fully open to the public, with an area of ​​1,500 square meters in the park.

Rádio Xadrez – Is there also room for small sponsors?

GM – We’re starting to attract sponsorship, so we are open to proposals. We hope to negotiate with more sponsors to improve the event.

Rádio Xadrez – Will the Brazilian Grandmasters participate in some way? Mequinho for example?

GM – Whenever possible, we try to invite the top players of Brazil. Of course, Mecking has his place in that group. We want to involve a large number of Brazilians, from amateurs to our best professionals, whether playing parallel tournaments, commenting on the games, doing simultaneous exhibitions, and so on.

Rádio Xadrez – Are you planning to offer tour packages, hotels and transportation to the venue of the tournament?

GM – Yes, that’s the idea. Soon we will give more information.

Rádio Xadrez – Brazil is very hot. Will there be enough comfort in the box?

GM – Of course, the box will be air-conditioned and sound-proof so that there is no noise at all.

Rádio Xadrez – Why was Ibirapuera Park chosen as a site?

GM – Our philosophy is to bring chess to the people. If the public does not go to chess tournaments, then tournaments will go to the public! Clearly the public does not frequent the tournaments because they are usually being played in elite hotels and theaters or other hidden locale. Our philosophy is to have chess seen by ordinary people in a park with wide circulation. The transparent box will allow full visibility to those passing through the park, even those who are not there for chess. The side events will also be outdoors, where they can be seen by all.

Rádio Xadrez – This reminds me of the situation when someone placed a piano in the middle of a busy subway station in downtown Sao Paulo, with passers running to catch trains stopped to listen to classical music …

GM – Yeah, it’s the same situation. You have to plan activities for those who know nothing about chess and also for the strongest amateur or professional players. Let’s get it to all people of all ages.

Rádio Xadrez – The event is going to change the routine of the site and perhaps the vision of chess in Brazil …

GM – I hope so! If we do a good job, Brazil will definitely enter into the calendar of the world circuit and become a focal point of chess. Economically, our country is better than many European countries, we have everything to achieve it. Let’s create something positive about the event, which is really good for everyone.

Rádio Xadrez – Ok, Milos! Thank you for the interview and we wish you every success in organizing this event. In the name of all chess players we congratulate you for bringing this great tournament to Brazil.

GM – Now it is important to keep positive thinking and work hard. Rádio Xadrez’s collaboration is very important to spread the news in the world of chess. We count on you!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Contact information of the organizers

Contact information of the Organizers:

Davy D'Israel at (tel 55-11-8354-3724)


Gilberto Milos at (tel 55-11-9919-9669)

Friday, May 20, 2011

Breaking News! Grand Slam Final will be in São Paulo and Bilbao!

The Grand Slam Masters Final will be played in Bilbao and Sao Paulo

La Final de Maestros de Ajedrez se jugará en Bilbao y Sao Paulo
Posted on 20/05/2011

Los mejores ajedrecistas del mundo volverán a disputar por cuarta vez la Final de Maestros del Grand Slam en Bilbao y São Paulo del 25 de septiembre al 11 de octubre. La Asociación del Grand Slam de Ajedrez ha vuelto a confiar en Bilbao tras el éxito obtenido en las anteriores tres ediciones. El título se decidirá en la urna de cristal instalada para tal evento en la Alhóndiga de Bilbao.

La presentación de la Final de Maestros del Grand Slam tendrá lugar en el puerto de Bilbao el 20 de septiembre, a bordo del crucero temático de ajedrez MSC Ópera, que zarpará inmediatamente después. El recorrido que tendrá lugar del 20 al 28 de septiembre completando la ruta Bilbao-Gibraltar-Túnez-Dubrovnik-Venecia estará abierto a todos los aficionados que deseen embarcarse de la mano de la agencia Romotur.

Esta IV edición, se jugará mediante una liga a doble vuelta entre seis jugadores, cuya primera mitad se jugará en São Paulo, y la segunda en la urna de Alhóndiga Bilbao.

Los jugadores que ya se han ganado el derecho a participar son el indio Viswanathan Anand (campeón del mundo), el noruego Magnus Carlsen (2º del mundo y vencedor del torneo de Nankín, China) y el estadounidense Hikaru Nakamura (8º del mundo y vencedor del torneo Tata en Wijk aan Zee, Holanda). Habrá otra plaza para el vencedor del torneo de Bazna (Rumanía) en junio. Las dos plazas restantes se anunciarán posteriormente.

Los organizadores han confirmado que la Final de Maestros de Bilbao contará con todos los elementos que contribuyeron a los excelentes resultados cosechados en 2008, 2009 y 2010 y a la gran acogida obtenida local e internacionalmente. Se contará con un variado programa de actividades paralelas, el área de análisis y comentarios para todos los públicos, pantallas gigantes, retransmisión en directo vía Internet y una representación de medios de comunicación de todos los continentes. Y, por supuesto, se volverá a colocar el ajedrez de élite en la calle, al alcance del gran público, ya que todos los visitantes podrán observar en directo el juego de estos grandes campeones.

Esta IV Final de Maestros continuará apostando por novedosas normas que tratan de garantizar la lucha y el espectáculo en cada partida. Así, se volverá a aplicar la llamada “regla Sofía” que establece que sólo el árbitro tiene potestad para determinar si una partida es tablas, evitando los pactos entre jugadores. Además, se seguirá utilizando un sistema de puntuación similar al del fútbol, con tres puntos por partida ganada, uno por el empate y cero por la derrota, sistema utilizado por primera vez en un torneo de élite en la Final de Maestros de Bilbao de 2008 y conocido ya como “regla Bilbao”.